School chale hum

To get the most out of a good education, children need to go to school every day. School attendance has a major influence on educational outcomes.[i] Students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve better results at school and are more likely to complete their schooling.

Parents can make it easier for their child to attend school by having a positive attitude to learning and education.

Poor school attendance patterns can start as early as Year 1. It is important that from the first day of school parents set an expectation that their children will be at school every day. Missing an average of ten days of school a term adds up to missing two full years of schooling by the end of Year 10.

During the transition from primary to high school or another school parents need to be clear with their child that they expect the child to attend school every day. It is important to remember that all Australian states and territories have legislation in place that requires parents to ensure their children attend school. These laws apply to all students in government and non-government schools.
