Uttrakhand some Popular Fruits of the Uttrakhand State

1-kafal fruits

This fruit resembles deep-red raspberries but it has negligible pulp as the most space is taken up by the big round seed inside. It is a tasty treat and popular amongst the hilly people. This extremely sour fruit (even when ripe) is taken with a sprinkle of rock-salt and chili powder.

2-Khumani (Apricot)
This fleshy and juicy fruit is widely cultivated in Uttarakhand, and it is a popular fruit too. It is rich is beta-carotene, iron, potassium, and anti-oxidants and therefore a healthy choice. The bright yellow-red colour is a treat for the eyes too.

Now, armed with all the fruity knowledge, don’t forget to devour the fruitilicious products of Uttaranchal!


t is quite popular amongst the locals. This bright yellow coloured fruit is abundant both in Kumaon and Garhwal regions and it tastes amazingly sweet! It ripens during March-April, available mostly in and around Nainital, Bhimtal, Almora and can be purchased from the fruit-sellers by the road-side stalls.

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